Click on the course name to get more details about the modules and each subject's contents.
1st Semester Courses
Medical Track
Anatomy and Physiology
Microbiology and Hygiene
Natural Sciences
Medical Technology
Medical Technology
Medical Technology - Lab
System Theory
Signals and Systems
Numerical Methods
Technical Track
Signal Processing
Signal Processing
Signal Processing - Lab
Electronics and Optics
Medical Electronics
Design Engineering OR Control Systems
Design Methodology Machine Learning
DesignMethodology - Lab Model Predictive Control
Materials Science
System Theory
Signals and Systems
Numerical Methods
2nd Semester Courses
Image Processing
Numerical Methods - Lab
Scientific Writing - Project
Management Elective
Medical Track OR Technical Track
Regulatory Affairs (Online) Medical Electronics - Project
Selected Electives (16 ECTS)
Management Electives
Health Technology Assessment
Innovation Management and Marketing
Quality Management in Healthcare
Successfull negotiation and communication
Selected Electives
Biophysics Lab/Project
Clinical Application - project/excurion
Human Biochemistry - Lab
Medical Technology - Selected Topics
Photonics II
Specialized Biomechanics
Artificial Intelligence (only offered in WS)
Computer Aided Techniques in Design
Computer Vision
Implantable Hearing Devices
Medical Deep Learning
Medical Robotics
Nuclear Imaging
3rd Semester Courses
Research Internship
Student Conference
4th Semester Courses
Master Thesis
Master Thesis
Final Examination